Sunday, January 4, 2009

Six Mukhi Rudraksha- Six(6) Faced Rudraksha For wealth and prosperity

Six faced Rudraksha or Six mukhi Rudraksha popularly known as shashta Mukhi Rudraksha in sanskrit is one of the most useful rudrakshas for a house holder. Naturally you may rarely find a saint or spiritual head wearing a six mukhi Rudraksha . Though six mukhi Rudraksha has all the qualities of a normal rudraksha bead . Six faced rudraksha is commonly used for worldly success and ends.

The presiding deity of six Mukhi or six faced rudraksha is lord Karthikeya or Lord Skanda the son of Lord Shiva.Apart from being the beloved son of the mighty trinity, lord skanda is also the authority on all the sciences(Sasthras) and Vedas . He also is the supreme warrior of Devas and the mighty destroyer of enemies. Hence wearing of Six faced Rudraksha is considered to bring the destruction of enemies or to be more precises ward off the evil influence on the human beings. Six faced or six Mukhi rudraksha also represent the planet Venus the planet representing Love , Romance , and wealth. Sukra as the planet is fondly called in sanskrit is represented by Sukra Muni( saint) and he being the preceptor of Asuras (the demons) the six faced Rudrakshas are considered for mundane achievements and not for spiritual advancements.

Six faced Rudraksha also represent Godess Mahalakshmi the lord of wealth . Hence anyone who want to make a lot of wealth and be a sucess in business ventures need to wear the Six Mukhi or six faced Rudraksha. Similarly those who are connected with treasury or stock trade is well advised to wear this six faced Rudraksha for better success.

six mukhi or six faced Rudraksha is also good for better conjugal life and sexual power. Hence six mukhi Rudrakshia can be worn by anybody in family life irrespective of the gender by following the bodily purity and following the rituals.

It is better to wear the six Mukhi or six faced Rudraksha on the right hand by males and on the left hand by females.It ensures worldly success , better conjugal life, warding off oppositions and bestows the wearer all luxuries of life. If you need to live life king size go and get a six Mukhi Rudraksha right now.